GISD Recapture Amounts (2003-2024)

Adopted Budget (Education Code, § 39.084) Required to maintain the adopted budget on the district’s website until the third anniversary of the date the budget was adopted.

Cost and Metered Amounts for Electricity, Water and Natural Gas for Districts (Government Code, §226.5001(b), House Bill 3693, 80th Legislature, Regular Session

Annual Financial and Compliance Report ( Submission Requirements) Update 14 Financial Accountability System Resource Guide.

  • Proposed Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate (Tax Code, §2605(b)) Required if tax rate will raise more taxes than prior year if a tax rate exceeds effective maintenance and operations tax rate Summary of Proposed Budget (Education Code, §44.0041)

Tax Rate Trend Information (Tax Code, §26.16) School districts are to provide tax rate information to the County Tax Assessor Collector for the most recent five tax years beginning with the 2013 tax year. The information to be posted by the County Tax Assessor Collector is the following: adopted tax rate, maintenance and operations rate, debt rate, effective tax rate, effective maintenance and operations rate, and rollback rate. This allows taxpayers to go to a single website to view tax rate information for all taxing entities.

  • Federal Grant Award (Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) School districts and open-enrollment charter schools that receive federal grant awards totaling more than $25,000 and contract awards totaling more than $550,000, respectively, directly from the federal government on or after October 1, 2010, must report certain information, including a description of the award and, in some instances, must also report the total compensation and names of the top five schools officials. A report will be due by the end of the month following approval for a federal grant or contract, and must be updated when there are changes to specific information on file. The new reporting requirements do not apply to federal awards that passed through TEA (because TEA is covering this reporting effort for federal funds that pass through TEA). School districts and open-enrollment charter schools are responsible for initiating their own process to ensure compliance with the FFATA reporting requirements by following instructions provided by grantor agencies other than TEA.