Come out and support your Wildcats!
almost 3 years ago, Sheree
The winners of the Poster Contest held by the Mustang Soil and Water Conservation board are the following: Healthy Soils: Healthy Life Melanie Tunnell - 1st place with a cash prize of $20.00 Haylee Bohannon - 2nd place Caleb Tunnell - 3rd place Great job!!!
almost 3 years ago, Sheree
Let's make it a terrific "Twos"day!!!
almost 3 years ago, Sheree
2022 Track Schedules
almost 3 years ago, Sheree
Congratulations to the District Champions, our Grady Wildcats!!! The Bi-District game will be announced soon
almost 3 years ago, Grady ISD
Boys Basketball
Congratulations to the Grady Swine exhibitors at San Angelo! Ashlynn Peugh-3rd place Dark Cross Nayce McMorries-5th place Hamp Braylan Creech-6th place Dark Cross
almost 3 years ago, Grady ISD
Nayce McMorries
Ashlynn Peugh
Braylan Creech
Basketball Pictures
almost 3 years ago, Sheree
Martin County 4-H has great opportunities for students to get involved in activities such as shooting, archery, and livestock judging this spring!!
almost 3 years ago, Sheree
Good luck to the Lady Cats in the Bi-District round! They are playing Whiteface tonight at 6:00 in Seminole.
almost 3 years ago, Grady ISD
Lady Cats
almost 3 years ago, Sheree
Third graders built 3D models of cubes and prisms using marshmallows and pasta. They are learning key math vocabulary including edges, faces and vertices.
almost 3 years ago, Sheree
3rd stem
3rd stem
3rd stem
3rd stem
Come support our Lady Cats!
almost 3 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
Just a reminder that all playoff t-shirt order forms are due in the office by 10:00 am and the online store closes at 2:00 pm TODAY! The link is listed below. Feel free to call the office if you have any questions.
almost 3 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
Juniors are selling Crush sodas for Valentines Day. Orders are due tomorrow and will be delivered on Friday.
almost 3 years ago, Grady ISD
High School Science Fun!!! Biology students are hard at work in the lab.
almost 3 years ago, Grady ISD
Biology Experiments
Biology Experiments
Biology Experiments
The Martin Co Sheriff’s Department is conducting a training this evening on the Grady ISD campus. Please do not be alarmed at the heavy law enforcement presence on campus! Happy Weekend everyone!
almost 3 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
Another great week to be a Wildcat!!!
almost 3 years ago, Sheree
Parents. Grady ISD will have a 10 am start for Friday, February 4th. NO BUSES WILL RUN IN THE MORNING! Bus routes will run tomorrow afternoon! Everyone stay safe!
almost 3 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
The basketball games against Garden City have been rescheduled for Saturday at Grady ISD. The JV boys will play starting at 12:00 noon, followed by Senior Recognition, varsity girls around 1:15, and varsity boys around 2:30. Please come out and support our Wildcats and Lady Cats as they take on the Garden City Bearkats.
almost 3 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
Congratulations to KK Peugh on her first place Hampshire pig at the Fort Worth Stock Show!
almost 3 years ago, Lynsey Pardue