Congratulations to the individual award winners at the JH One Act Play District competition!!
Honorable Mention All-Star Cast-Charles Deatherage and Katherine Burns
All-Star Cast-Truman Stack, Zaelyn Mendez, and Colton Collier
Outstanding Technical Crew Member-Matthew Snider
Best Performer-Knight Durham
Congratulations to our JH One Act Play cast! They placed 2nd and District with their play "The Great Pandemonium" by Pat Cook.
Congratulations to our Congressional Debate competitors who did an excellent job at Regionals!!!
Outstanding Presiding Officer 1A-3A Ashlynn Peugh
1-Jessi Everett (state qual)
2-Ashlynn Peugh (state qual)
3-Delaney Saunders (state qual)
4-Samantha Griffin (1st alternate)
6- Briley Harrell (3rd alternate)
Regional Sweepstakes Champions!!!
Proud to be a Wildcat!
The Congressional Debate team is in action at Regionals today!! Good luck ladies!
Break a leg Junior High OAP!
Remember Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend! Have a great week!!!
Congratulations to our 2021 Football Hero Cooper Wallin and Football Sweetheart Kinley McMorries!!!
Our Senior football players Cobe Cortez, Frankie Jimenez, and Cooper Wallin and cheerleader Sydney Gonzales were also recognized at the final pep rally of the season!
Please note changes to November 6th and November 9th.
Please know that schedules are subject to change, but we will do our best to update our website and social media pages as these changes occur.
Kody and Matejo did an excellent job playing the National Anthem at our last JH football game!!!
Tomorrow is the last home football game of the season. StuCo is challenging all high school students to come out and show your support!
We had a technical issue with our Veterans Day lunch survey QR code, but it has been resolved. Please use the QR code here or on the letter that was sent home with students to let us know if you will be joining us for lunch after our Veterans Day Program.
HS Cheerleaders will be selling 8-inch glow sticks on Thursday for the Blackout Pep-Rally!!!
2- 8 in. glow sticks for $1.00
The pep rally will be at 3 p.m. in the Middle Gym.
If you have a veteran you would llike recognized next week, please get a photo and the form turned in by the end of the week. We still have the information for veterans recognized in previous years.
Please join us in honoring those who haved served at our annual Veterans Day Assembly!
2021-2022 Basketball Schedules
November Menus
Our 5th graders did a great job on their pumpkin book characters!!!
Our 5th graders presenting their STEM projects to the rest of the class!
We are very excited to announce that we will have Richard Guerry on campus tomorrow (Thursday) to speak with our junior high and high school students about phone and internet safety! We have been communicating with Mr. Guerry since early spring trying to get him scheduled to come and speak. Klondike High School and Sands High School will also be on campus listening to his presentation. Thank you to the Grady ISD Education Foundation for allowing us to have him present to our students. I have posted a link of what he is all about!