Popcorn for sale on Thursday!
District 8-A JH District Tennis Tournament was held on Saturday, May 15.
Grady JH Girls finished 3rd place and Boys finished 2nd place.
Knight Durham-3rd Place Boys Singles
Emma Parker and Raegan Dennis-3rd Place Girls Doubles
Aaron Cates and Kaelyn Titsworth-2nd Place Mixed Doubles
Dalton Saunders and Patrick Weitzel-2nd Place Boys Doubles
Our elementary kids had a blast on their AR reward field trips and water day!!!
Please remember to get all lunch balances paid by the end of the week. This can be done by sending money to your student's first period teacher or by using the My School Bucks app. Thank you!
Good Luck to Braden!! He tees off at 7:30 tomorrow to start his second and final round at State
Last week of school!!!
The graduate edition of the Martin County Messenger will come out next Tuesday. There is still space available for a few more personalized senior tribute ads from parents/family. They are a 2x5 spot for $50 (normally $64) or 1/8 page for $75 (normally $100). If you would like one, please email the paper at mcmessenger@crcom.net before noon on Monday, May 17th.
We are so proud of all of our great readers!!!
We're excited to announce our Summertime Story Time!!!
2021 Field Day
Guests are welcome to come support our award recipients! Parking will be available in the south parking lot, and guests can enter through the Administration entrance. Elementary parents are welcome to take their student(s) home after their assembly. Please check them out with their teacher before leaving.
Rock the STAAR Tests!!
High School students will not come to campus on these days.
2021 Athletic Banquet for all High School Athletes
Congratulations to our 2021 Teacher of the Year Mrs. Shana Everett and our Students of the Year Cooper Sims and Raina Short!!! Thanks for your hard work and commitment!!
Wildcat 4-Hers finished strong at the District Contest!!!
Kyndal Dick-1st Place Ag ID (state qualifier)
Briley Harrell-1st Place a choreographed Routine (state qualifier)
Patton Wagner-1st Place Junior Entomology
Micah Mann-2nd Place Junior Entomolgy
This Friday!!!
Martin County 4-H competed at District Spring Contests. The Wildcats represented us well!!! Kyndal & Ashlynn will be advancing to State in two events each.
May Menus
Have a great week Wildcats!!