The Easter Bunny made a surprise visit to Grady today!!!
Wildcats are burning up the road to Regionals this spring. Sophomores will be selling shirts with a roster of ALL (academic, OAP, sports) spring qualifiers. Order forms will come home Monday or you can place an order with the link below.
Enjoy the long Easter weekend!!!
Way to Go Melanie, Micah, and Patton!! Third place in the District 4-H Junior Food Challenge Team in the Appetizers division.
Congratulations to the Senior District 4-H Food Challenge Team Champions!! They will be competing at State Roundup in June.
Congratulations to Melanie Tunnell and her first place in the 4-H District Food Show. She prepared her Healthy Dessert of Perfectly Pleasing Parfait
Our phone lines are currently down. If you need assistance, please email
April Menus
High School District Track Meet Schedule
Congratulations to all the UIL participants!! Way to work hard!
We are proud of ALL the students who competed today at District UIL!! Hard work pays off and we will be taking 12 students to Regionals!!! We will post all the results soon.
Congratulations to all of our tennis players that competed in the Wink Tournament on Thursday!!!
Raina Short and Samantha Griffin-Doubles Champions
Cooper and Chapman Sims-2nd Place Doubles
Gunnar Rivas-3rd Place Singles
Kody Cates and Matejo DeAnda-Doubles Consolation Champions
Remember: No school April 2nd!!
Grady ISD parents! We want to communicate that the track bus witnessed a wreck on the way to the track meet at Whiteface. The coaches pulled over to offer assistance, none was needed. Our bus was in no way involved in the accident.
Lost and found (Part3)
Lost and found (Part 2)
We are spring cleaning our lost and found!!! If any of these items belong to your child, let us know or send them by the front office to pick them up. (Part 1)
High School Track Meet Schedule
Junior High Track Meet Schedule