JV Football Schedule

2020 Football Schedules!! We can't wait for some Wildcat Football!!! Go Cats!

Spirit Shirts are on sale!!!! Visit gogearonline.com/gradyjhch-fall20 to purchase shirts. All orders must be placed online. Thanks for supporting the Junior High Cheerleaders! If you have questions, please email Mrs. Peugh at speugh@gradyisd.esc18.net

We know that COVID and the crash of oil have posed many hardships on our economy. If you are in need of help with your child/children’s school supplies this year, please call the office 432-459-2445 or email Lynsey Pardue lpardue@gradyisd.esc18.net or Sheree Woodward swoodward@gradyisd.esc18.net by Wednesday, August 19th at noon. ❤️

There has been some false information recently circulating on social media that needs to be immediately clarified. We want to assure all of our parents that if your child has COVID-19 like symptoms while at school,we, are going to isolate him/her on our campus (as we always have done in the past for any other illness), and will contact the parent(s) as soon as possible to come to school and pick up that student. Please see our back-to-school plan (posted on the school website) for additional guidelines in place once a student has been sent home.

PARENTS: A letter was mailed out this morning which includes our 2020-2021 school calendar, Return to School plan, and an At Home Learning form. The At Home Learning form needs to be returned no later than August 18 ONLY if your student(s) will be participating in the home learning model.

Just an update on the first day of school: As long as our PPE materials are in as expected to be, Grady ISD will be code yellow as far as masks are concerned. This will remain the same until further notice. We will notify if and when changes occur. Thank you for your patience as we try to do our best to protect our staff and students.

High School Registration will be electronically this year. I have sent out an email to all high school students asking them to register using a google form. Please contact me with any questions you may have. Thank you! lpardue@gradyisd.esc18.net

Please click on the following link to view Grady ISD's Return to School Plan and the updated 2020-2021 School Calendar: https://www.gradyisd.org/article/280599?org=grady-isd

We would just like to communicate that we are currently without phones on campus and have very spotty WiFi (a couple of hotspots). If you need to contact the school, please reach out via email (can be found on our website) snd we will get back to you as soon as possible.

We are here, masked up, and ready to register your pre-k, new to Grady kindergartener, and dual credit students! ❤️

Reminder: TOMORROW, (Tuesday August 4th) from 9:00 am- 2:00 pm, we will have registration for pre-k, NEW to Grady kindergarten, AND dual credit students. We will have regular registration for JH and HS students at a later date. Please use the east entrance at the new campus by the teacher housing development. We have attached what is needed for pre-k and kinder registration. Dual credit will just need a copy of TSI scores if you did not take it with Pardue. Please make sure that you are wearing a mask when you come. We are currently without phones on campus, so email us with any questions you might have.

Junior High and High School School Supply Lists are now posted on our website!

We will have DUAL CREDIT registration next Tuesday, August 4th from 10:00-2:00 in front of the new campus. Please make sure that you are wearing a mask. Paperwork will be printed out for students to fill out. TSI testing will unfortunately not be available on campus prior to school starting this year. Howard College is testing, but needs to be taken care of prior to next Tuesday. If you take your TSI test elsewhere, please bring a copy or email me a picture of it. Please contact Lynsey Pardue at lpardue@gradyisd.esc18.net
I have sent an email to each junior and senior for more information. Thanks a bunch!

Monday (August 3rd) Strength and Conditioning/Football Specific Practice will start for grades 9-12 (HS ONLY). Students please see athletic updates and important information in your school email from Coach Short.

There will be no Strength and Conditioning next week (July 27-31) due to construction around the Wildcat gym and football field.

Due to construction completion concerns Grady ISD will begin school on September 1. A detailed new calendar will be shared as soon as possible

Elementary school supply lists are now posted on our website. Junior High and High School lists will be posted soon! We are using TeacherLists this year to allow you to purchase your student's entire supply list from your favorite online retailer with just the click of a button. If you'd like to use TeacherLists, click the link below and choose your student's grade!

Just an update and reminder:
As of today, Grady ISD will be starting school on August 12th. We will provide updates as soon as possible with regulations and procedures as we start the 2020-2021 school year. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we make some decisions on the safety of our staff and students. Always proud to be a Grady Wildcat.

Let's try this again!