Good Luck to Seniors Samantha Griffin and Briley Harrell. They are minutes away from beginning the Preliminary round at State Congressional debate
12 months ago, Grady ISD
Last semester we received a book vending machine courtesy of Grady Education Foundation. We started a new program called Character Counts where we discuss individual traits that build character. Carolina was the first recipient of the Golden Coin , giving her the honor of cutting the ribbon and picking a book from the vending machine. We have discussed citizenship, responsibility, and caring. Our students are working hard to achieve their goals. We love seeing them strive!
12 months ago, Samantha Lewis
Due to limited visibility, all JH games have been cancelled for tonight. Please everyone stay safe.
12 months ago, Lynsey Pardue
Parents! We apologize for the late notice, but the visibility has decreased greatly in the last 30 minutes. We will not be running buses this afternoon as we wish to keep everyone safe. You are welcome to come and pick up your children at anytime. If you will be later than 3:45 pm, please just give us a call. We will have someone on campus with them until you can get here. Please stay safe.
12 months ago, Lynsey Pardue
JH basketball tournament @ Garden City Jan. 13
12 months ago, Samantha Lewis
Courts for Christ
12 months ago, Samantha Lewis
Congratulations to our Junior High basketball teams! The boys and girls both finished as Tournament Champions
about 1 year ago, Grady ISD
Grady junior high basketball tournament schedule for 1/6/24
about 1 year ago, Samantha Lewis
The basketball games for Tuesday, Jan 2nd, @ San Angelo Cornerstone have been cancelled.
about 1 year ago, Samantha Lewis
The Wildcats and Lady Cats will play their final games of 2023 at the Sterling City Tournament. Good Luck Wildcats
about 1 year ago, Grady ISD
Sterling City Tournament
Sterling City Tournament
Quick reminder, PK-6 grade has prepared a Christmas Program for all of us to enjoy. Please come support them!
about 1 year ago, Samantha Lewis
Parents, if your child is exempt from finals they do NOT have to come in for lunch. Children are welcome to come to school even if they are exempt. On Thursday, if your child is exempt from finals, they will need to be here at 11:05.
about 1 year ago, Samantha Lewis
Updated schedule!
about 1 year ago, Lynsey Pardue
Please see the attached order of events for our UIL contest held at Grady tomorrow. Good Luck to all of our wildcats who have worked diligently on their events!
about 1 year ago, Lynsey Pardue
A game has been added to the junior high basketball schedule for Monday 12/11. The girls gold team will play at 4:00. All other games will remain the same.
about 1 year ago, Samantha Lewis
We have sent home the sheet for a hard copy at home, but here is all events that we have from now until the end of the semester. If anything changes, we will be sure and let you know. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Lynsey Pardue
Here is a little information for our upcoming UIL contest. Please be looking in backpacks for contest times! Everything will be coming home today!
about 1 year ago, Lynsey Pardue
Reminder!! Please bring your Angel Tree Gifts as soon as possible.
about 1 year ago, Sherra Harrell
Congress State qualifier sweatshirts are available to purchase. Let us know if you need an order form. Orders must be placed and paid for by 12/11.
about 1 year ago, Grady ISD
Congratulations to our Junior High One Act Play Cast and Crew!!
about 1 year ago, Sherra Harrell
Jh oap
Jh iap
All star
Hm crew