Happy Friday! Here's a look at what's going on next week.
over 4 years ago, Sheree
9-14 memo
September 8-11 Menus BREAKFAST T-Breakfast strudel W-Breakfast pizza Th-Breakfast bread F-Breakfast burrito LUNCH T-Hamburgers W-Cheese breadsticks Th-Burritos F-Breaded pork chops
over 4 years ago, Sheree
We have LOVED our first week back and seeing all of our students!! Remember no school on Monday! Enjoy the long weekend!!
over 4 years ago, Sheree
2020 Cross Country Schedule Go Cats!!
over 4 years ago, Sheree
2020 cross country
Parents, GT referral letters will be sent home tomorrow or can be printed from the following link: https://5il.co/klrg
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
Parent Portal letters were mailed out today. They contain the new website and your student(s) portal ID. This is a different website than what has been used before. It has an updated look and should be easier to navigate. You can use Parent Portal to view your student(s) attendance and grades, and even set up individualized alerts.
over 4 years ago, Sheree
Please note the change to our Varsity Football Schedule
over 4 years ago, Sheree
updated FB schedule
Parents who drop off, please make sure you use the striped area in front of the school for drop off and pick up. This will allow a little better traffic flow in the morning and afternoon. Also, please wait for the thumbs up from our temperature checker before you pull off. It’s been a great week thus far.
over 4 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
We will have full breakfast and lunch menus posted and sent home with students later this week, but here is a partial menu to help you plan ahead. BREAKFAST Tuesday-Breakfast pizza Wednesday-Muffins Thursday-Pancake wrap Friday-Sausage kolache LUNCH Tuesday-Corn dog Wednesday-Crispy chicken sandwich Thursday-Asian bowl Friday-Pizza
over 4 years ago, Sheree
DROP OFF/PICK UP: Parents will enter Wildcat Drive and go all the way down to the turn around by the ag shop. If you wish to walk students up, please park in that parking lot (east of the school). When exiting, please take a left out of the parking lot. All students who are driving will park at the Wildcat Parking Lot. Can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow!
over 4 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
Drop Off and Pick Up
We are going LIVE on Facebook in about 5 minutes with a tour of our awesome new school! Tune in!
over 4 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
If you are interested in showing RABBITS at the county show, orders need to be placed with Mrs. Ivy by September 4th. $50 per rabbit
over 4 years ago, Sheree
MIDLAND BUS INFORMATION The buses will be at the same location as last year, CR 3600 and 349 at the water pit 11 miles north of the loop. -Pick Up will be from 7:00-7:15. Both drivers will be leaving location at 7:15 and will not stop or hold up if running late. -Drivers will be doing temperature checks before students are allowed on the bus. DO NOT pull away until you’ve been given the thumbs up from the drivers. -If you carpool, students who are running a temperature will return to the car that they came in. Please just communicate that with your carpool family! -If students are required (or want) to attend a 7:30 tutorial, it will be the responsibility of the parent to get them to school at that time. Teachers will communicate this with the students and parents. -Pick up will be 4:05-4:20. If a child is not picked up by 4:20, the drivers will bring the child/children back to school. You will have to pick the child up from the school.
over 4 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
A few things regarding drop off and buses: -If dropping your students off, please use the attached map. -If you would like to walk your students to the staff at the door, please use the east parking lot. -We will be doing temperature checks when getting to school, please make sure that you get the thumbs up that your student/students are good before pulling away. -Bus riders, your driver will be contacting you on what time they will be picking up your child. -Students riding the bus will also have their temperature taken prior to entering the bus. We are asking parents to please be visible at the door or out front just in case students are running a fever and not allowed on the bus. -Remember that drivers and passengers will be required to wear a mask on the bus. We are so excited to see all of our students on Tuesday. Please don’t forget to tune in tomorrow at 10:00 to see a live tour of the school.
over 4 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
The Grady High School cheerleaders are selling Spirit Face Masks and Gaiters. Please go to the link below. All orders will be made from the online store and will run through September 9th. There are also youth sizes in the gaiter. Thank you for your support. GO WILDCATS! https://gogearonline.com/gradyhsch-mask20
over 4 years ago, Sheree
Parents: As we gear up for a great school year, please remember to label your student's items such as jackets, lunch boxes, masks, etc. with their name. This will help us get these items back to the correct student instead of sitting in the lost and found.
over 4 years ago, Sheree
We are always excited to get new substitute teachers! If you would like to become part of our Grady family as a sub, please fill out an application and background check form and return to us. These forms can be found on our website under "Documents", or you can get one from the front office!
over 4 years ago, Sheree
Please read the first day of school procedures. We will have a map posted to help with pick up and drop off later this week.
over 4 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
First Day
Important information!
over 4 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
Parent Letter
We will be doing a live video next Friday (August 28th) to show off our awesome new building and do a Virtual Meet the Teacher. We are just too excited to share, so we decided to do a little sneak peak! Hope you love it as much as we do! This is the wall across from the principal suite!
over 4 years ago, Lynsey Pardue