UIL is hosting an Academic At-Home Experience for high school students who would have been competing in the UIL Academic meet. If you are interested in participating, please contact Mrs. Glaze at wglaze@gradyisd.esc18.net no later than April 30th. https://www.uiltexas.org/academics/at-home/overview?utm_campaign=UIL1_FY19-20_AcademicNews_April23&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua
over 4 years ago, Sheree
All 8th-11th students were sent an email to help us register for classes next school year. Please get these surveys returned to us no later than Monday May 4
over 4 years ago, Gary Jones
Senior Boxes are at the Tarzan Church of Christ if you would like to add something.
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
Join our Student Council Earth Day competition!!!
over 4 years ago, Sheree
Sc earth day
A few announcements: 1. Transfers, please make sure that you get your paperwork turned in via the email listed. (I have attached the document that can be printed out and emailed.) This is due Friday, April 24th. If we do not hear back, we will assume you’ve made other plans. 2. Popcorn Sales. We do not currently have the popcorn on campus. It is still at the factory. As soon as we have this on campus, we will push out information on picking up. 3. Items on campus (jackets, binders, etc) that belong to your children will be organized. Nothing is going anywhere for the time being. We will communicate with you about a date and time to drop off items (books, chrome books, calculators) and pick up your items as soon as that is available. We thank you very much for your patience and understanding as we are trying to do what’s best for our students and keep everyone safe.
over 4 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
Transfer Letter
Just a reminder about packet pick up (and pee wee basketball pictures) from 7am-9am.
over 4 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
Final Packet Pick Up Monday (April 20th) from 7 am- 9 am for students in 1st and 2nd grade (kindergarten sent enough work at the last pickup). All students 3rd grade and up who do not have internet access will also have packets to pick up! See you tomorrow using the old bus lane out front of the school. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
Grady ISD- Update: Schools closed for the rest of this 2019-20 school year. 4/17/2020 Texas schools will remain closed for the rest of the 2019-20 school year as ordered by Governor Abbott. We will continue to work with the Texas Education Agency in determining how we can move forward with distance learning and related educational needs. In the coming days, GISD will provide more information on school matters like graduation, online lessons, grading procedures, etc. We are grateful for your support and the dedication to your children. Contact us, if you have questions or concerns. Have a blessed day. Leandro Gonzales – Superintendent
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
Report cards will be going out tomorrow. Transfer parents, there is an extra letter (one per family) in with the report cards. Please get that filled out. The directions are in the letter. We need these no later than April 24th. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
Transfer Letter
Here's some news from our librarian, Mrs. Wallin
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
Library Notice
Library Notice
CDC now recommends you wear a mask in public where you can’t avoid being near people, like in grocery stores, pharmacies & healthcare settings https://bit.ly/2V8o5Y2. Remember though, your local authorities may have already issued a specific order re: masks. #StayHomeTexas CDC recomienda que use una máscara en público donde no pueda evitar estar cerca de personas, como en supermercados, farmacias y centros de salud https://bit.ly/2V8o5Y2. Es posible que sus autoridades locales ya hayan hecho obligatorio el uso de máscaras. #StayHomeTexas
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
The virus lives in tiny droplets in the lungs of people w/ COVID-19, even when they don’t show symptoms. We can breathe the same air as anyone within abt. 6 ft. of us. Staying farther apart from people during this time reduces the chance of breathing in the virus. #StayHomeTexas El virus vive en gotas en los pulmones de personas con COVID-19, y a veces no tienen síntomas. Puedes respirar el mismo aire que cualquiera a 6 pies de ti. Mantente más alejado de las personas durante este tiempo para reducir la posibilidad de respirar el virus. #StayHomeTexas
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
Toser y estornudar puede llevar gotas infectadas al aire, que pueden ser inhaladas por personas que estén a 6 pies de ti. Siempre tosa o estornude en pañuelos desechables o en el codo y lávese las manos para disminuir la propagación del virus. ¡Mantente sano! #StayHomeTexas
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
Coughing & sneezing can send tiny infected droplets into the air which can be inhaled by anyone within 6 feet of us. Always cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow and immediately wash your hands to lessen the risk of spreading the virus. Be smart. Stay well! #StayHomeTexas
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
¡Las personas sin síntomas tienen el potencial de propagar COVID-19 sin saberlo! Por eso lo mejor para todos en su familia es quedarse en casa y lejos de los demás tanto como sea posible hasta que los funcionarios estatales y locales le indiquen lo contrario. #StayHomeTexas
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
People with no symptoms have the potential to unknowingly spread COVID-19! That’s why it’s best for everyone in your family to stay at home and away from others as much as possible until instructed otherwise from state and local officials. #StayHomeTexas
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
Texas, recuerda la importancia del distanciamiento social. Evite espacios públicos y manténgase alejado de los demás (al menos 6 pies). Si continuamos siguiendo la guía de salud pública, menos de nuestros amigos y familiares se verán afectados por COVID-19. #StayHomeTexas
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
Texas, remember the importance of social distancing. If you must go out, avoid public spaces and keep your distance from others (at least 6 feet). If we continue to follow valuable public health guidance, fewer of our friends & family will be affected by COVID-19. #StayHomeTexas
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
#COVID19 vive de gotas en los pulmones de las personas con el virus incluso si no tienen síntomas.Cuando las personas contagiadas respiran, el virus entra al aire.Si no puedes quedarte en casa #StayHome, use una bufanda/pañuelo, manténgase a 6 pies de distancia y lávese las manos
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
#COVID19 lives on droplets in the lungs of people with the virus, even if they don’t have symptoms. When infected people breathe, the virus enters the air. If you can’t #StayHome, wear a mask/scarf/bandana, stay 6 feet apart, and wash your hands. #DontGoViral
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice