Monday-Spring Pictures
5th grade parent meeting after school or 6:00 PM in Mrs. Short's room
Tuesday-District Golf 2nd round
Thursday-District Tennis @ Seminole
Friday-High School Track Meet @ O'Donnell (schedule attached
End of 5th six weeks
Daddy Daughter Dance grades Prek-5 Old Gym 6:00-8:00 $ per Daddy Daughter and $1 for each additional daughter
Saturday-JH District Track Meet @ Klondike (Schedule Attached)
JR/SR Prom 7-11:30-Hispanic Cultural Center Midland Texas

GRADY PARENTS: reminder that picture day is MONDAY!!

Monday-HS district Golf @ Seminole
JH Track Meet @ Sands (schedule attached)
Tuesday-Bi-District OAP @ Post
Wednesday-High School District UIL @ Borden County
CNA clinicals @ Big Spring
Thursday-JH and HS Cheer Fitting 10:30 AM
TELPAS Testing
Friday-High School Track Meet @ Sands (schedule attached)

More Garage Sale Items

Garage Sale benefitting Betty Wiebe
Downtown Stanton
Hamburgers and Bake Sale, too

Tuesday-High School Golf @ Midland
Wednesday- Wear your Fight with Betty Shirts!
Thursday-High School Track @ Garden City-Schedule Attached
Friday-High School Tennis @ Sterling city
JH Track @ Garden City-Schedule Attached
Saturday- Benefit Garage Sale! 9-2pm @ Old Haislip Building, downtown Stanton. Hamburger meals will be available. All proceeds will benefit Betty Wiebe!
Sunday- One act play will perform for the public in the auditorium @ 6:00 p.m

The sophomore class is still selling Wildcat Pride decals! They are $10 each.

Tomorrow, Wednesday March 20th, everyone is to wear their “Fight with Betty” t-shirt! If you didn’t get a shirt and want to participate, wear blue or orange! #fightwithbetty

Jr. high and high school track shirts for sale.

Just a reminder that school will release at noon today! Buses will run at that time. Have a great spring break!

Congratulations to the 2019-2020 HS Cheerleaders: Haydn Burge, Greenley Deatherage, Cristina Dyck, Sage McAnally, Raina Short, Sydney Gonzales, Kinley McMorries, Ashlynn Peugh, and Mascot, Kami Adams

Everyone did a great job at Junior High Cheer Tryouts! Congratulations to Elena Jimenez, Tatum North, Selig Burge, Nayce McMorries, Kailynn Peugh, and Raegan Dennis!!

Fight with Betty!

Sands Track Meet schedule

Monday-JH track and HS Golf were cancelled
Tuesday-District OAP @ Sands
Wednesday-Cheer Tryouts 1:30
High School Golf @ Lubbock
Thursday-High School Track Meet @ Sands-Schedule attached
Friday-Noon Release for spring break
Reminder no school next week and time changes Sunday March 10

The golf schedule for the season has changed. Click the link below to see the new schedule.

JH Track-The JH track meet at Sands on Monday, March 4 has been cancelled.
HS Golf-Monday's meet has been cancelled. They will now attend a meet in Big Spring on March 11

Decals for sale!

Wednesday- Elementary Jump for Heart Assembly 2:00 PM
Thursday-OAP @ Sands 9:30 AM
JH Track @ Water Valley-Schedule attached
Friday-High School Tennis @ Sterling City
High School Track @ Water Valley-Schedule attached

Mrs. Cox was the “winner” of our turkey trot competition and got to wish all of our students and faculty a Happy Thanksgiving in style!